Monday, May 19, 2014


a 100 kilometer walk next month from June 20 to 22, 2014 to raise money for 2 charities, one of which is the Assyrian Aid Society in Iraq.


This 100 km walk will be through mainly forest and countryside and has to be completed within 48 hours.


The other charity is a UK Christian charity called ChildAid to Russia and the Republics which helps poor children and orphans in Eastern Europe.


It's known ChildAid for many years, since 1989, and they are a very good Christian charity.


ChildAid has agreed that 50% of whatever money my 100 km walk raises will be sent to the Assyrian Aid Society in Iraq.


ChildAid will send this money by bank transfer to AAS Iraq.     


The other 50% which goes to ChildAid will be used for their work with poor, vulnerable children in Ukraine and Moldova.


Please see the attached article about this important work.