Monday, May 20, 2013


The Permanent Forum for the issues of Indigenous People began on May 20th, New York, with the participation of the of civil society organizations of Indigenous people and by the attendance of international organizations and representatives of the member states of the United Nations, the Assyrian Aid Society of Iraq was represented through a delegation headed by Mr. Ashur Sargon and the membership of Mr. Sheba Mando the President of the Assyrian National Council in Illinois, Ms. Mona Malik vise president for  AAS of America, Ms. Shoushan Tower, board member of AAS of Australia and the researcher Nineb Lamassu, where the forum continues until 31 May to discuss the different issues of Indigenous People, including education, health and Indigenous youth as well as women's issues, human rights and culture and how to maintain them, it is the second participation of our Society, which is one of the Societies that affiliated to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, this participation has been supported by the Assyrian National Council of Illinois and the Assyrian Aid Society of Australia and America.