Thursday, June 11, 2015


In order to stand at the displaced requirements and participation in their daily suffering, Mr. Youndam Kanna, the secretary general of the Assyrian Democratic Movement and head of Al-Rafidain list in the Iraqi parliament, visited the Assyrian Aid Society headquarters in Dohuk, Thursday Jun. 11th 2015, where he was received by Mr. Ashur Eskrya the president of Assyrian Aid Society - Iraq, Mr. Younadam was accompanied by Mr. Fareed Yacoub, Mr. Marqus Eramia and Mr. Ashur Aprim, the members of the central committee of the movement, and by the attendance of Society's' administrative body members.


During the tour, Mr. Kanna visited the dormitories building of the Society, which is now used for sheltering (38) of displaced families from Mosul and Nineveh Plain, where Mr. Yonadam inspected the conditions of displaced people, and in his meeting with Mr. Eskrya, the two sides talked about the Society's activities of providing the humanitarian aid for displaced families.