Thursday, August 7, 2014


President of the Assyrian Aid Society-Iraq participated in the ceremonial Assyrian Martyr's Day, which was held in Canada, Toronto, and the attendance of many religious and national institutions and a number of civil organizations, where beginning of celebration included a standing of 'minute of silence' for the souls of the martyrs, then the ceremony included a speech of Mr. Saper Toma deputy in charge of Canada Section for the Assyrian Democratic Movement, then father Youkhana Youkhana patron of Mart Shmoni Church in city of Hamilton told his speech, after which Mr. Ashur Eskrya, president of AAS in Iraq gave a speech in which he explained the suffering of our People by linking the history of struggle of our People with the modern era and the events & massacres against our People whom are fighting with spirit of survival and increased our determination to address each conspiracies. As the ceremonial permeated many poems and words expressive and national songs.