Sunday, February 8, 2015


The president of Assyrian Aid Society of Iraq,  Mr. Ashur Eskrya, received the delegation of the Institute for Global Engagement headed by Mr. Chris Seiple president of the (IGE) and his accompanying delegation on his visit to northern Iraq and by attendance of delegation of Assyrian Aid Society of America, which included Mrs. Mona Malik, Vice President of the Assyrian Aid Society of America and Mr. Peter Bityou the member of the administrative board of the Society of America, in addition to all of Mr. Awder Marbeen, Mr. Imad Dadiza and Mrs. Romy Yousif members of the administrative body of the Assyrian Aid Society in Erbil.


The visit comes within plan of implementation of relief programs for Displaced People, which supported by the Institute for Global Engagement and the Cradle Fund and in coordination with the Assyrian Aid Society of America, in which our Society has been implemented relief programs that included the distribution of Kerosene, Heaters and Food basket for more than 1,500 families in Erbil from Feb. 8th – Feb. 14th 2015.