Sunday, January 25, 2015


On Monday, Jan. 26th 2015, the Assyrian Aid Society-Iraq distributed stationery to students of Assyrian education in Diana, which included 45 students from Ashurban Assyrian Basic School and 49 students from Shamiram Assyrian Secondary School, the distribution have been implemented by the attendance of Mr. Imad Dadiza and Mrs. Romy Yousif, members of the Society in Erbil, Ms. Aliaa Basim the director of Shamiram Secondary School and Ms. Jaklen Koda, the director of Ashurban School and teaching staff of both schools, where the Schools' principal presented their thanks and appreciation to the Society's initiative of distribution stationery to students, which was provided by the support of the Assyrian Aid Society of America.


The Society has also distributed stationery in Arbaelo School on Jan. 25th 2015, by the attendance of Mr. Edward Benjamin, Mrs. Romy Yousif, the Society member and the teaching staff of the School.